ABC Street, Station Road, Dist: XYZ, Maharastra, Pin: 123456

Dhirendra Shrivastava


As the Head of the School, my note to both staff & students are simple and clear that may all our lessons, our responsibilities, our vows, our words, and actions be geared towards touching hearts & changing lives.

The fast evolving and new emerging society now look for responsible citizens with local and global perspectives in respect to our valuable diversity. It has been our effort to fill the gap and create a curriculum that will turn our students into a holistic human being who are emotionally stable, intellectually vibrant, spiritually enlightened and socially committed.

We promote educational pedagogies which make every child say, “I have better ideas, I am talented, skilled and creative!” and develop educators who would say “I wish to work miracles with my students.” Our endeavour has been to create an environment that will enlighten, encourage, and inspire the dreams of the students and the faculty who enter the portals of EMRS, aspiring to be future leaders in their interest areas with new ideas and innovations.

Welcome to the EMRS Demo School family.


04 Years


EMRS Demo School is home away from home.

Towering trees, their leaves in varying shades of green, create a natural frame for the scenery, while birds soar overhead, their songs echoing through the air. Love and affection between teachers and students the campus like a big home.

Professional Teachers
There are regular teachers appointed by NESTS after a tough selection process having written test and interview.
Medical Health and Counselling
There is provision for dedicated Staff Nurse to look after medical needs of students. Counsellor is also there for guidence and motivation.
Safety and Security
Entire campus is monitored by CCTV camera. Security guards protect the campus 24x7.
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